Civic Involvement: El Civics Objectives ›
Community Resources: Three general topics are covered in Community Resources: Educational Resources in the Community, Interacting with my Child’s or my School and Teachers, and Social Services/Cultural Resources in our Community. Health: Topics covered in this Civic Objective include identifying healthcare sources for families, insurance options for healthcare coverage, how to talk with a doctor...
EL Civics : Becoming a United States Citizen ›
Becoming a United States Citizen, is designed to help legal residents who are eligible for citizenship successfully prepare for the naturalization process. Instruction includes learning about U. S. history and government as well as preparing for the oral interview administeredby the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Service. Students also receive help filling out the proper...
EL Civics: Civic Involvement ›
Civic Involvement is designed to help English learners acquire the skills necessary to become active and informed parents and community members. Students learn how to become active and involved participants in civic affairs through hands-on activities both in the classroom and in the community. Students also explore the many city and county social services and...